Terms and conditions

At MyPIL, we provide a content sharing platform that allows creators to connect with their audiences through the sharing of their most recent and relevant content. We place great importance on the value of deliberate simplicity, which is why we have made every effort to present our terms and conditions in the simplest form possible here.

We're glad to have you as part of our community. Using MyPIL, you agree to these Terms & Conditions ("Terms") and the other policies we link to here and on the Platform.
These Terms (along with the linked policies) govern your use of our website (https://mypil.app/), apps, and any other software or features provided as part of our services (collectively referred to as the "Platform" or "MyPIL"). When we refer to "we," "our," or "us" in these Terms, we are referring to MyPIL, PinkSwan Sàrl, and our group companies.
Please take the time to carefully read these Terms. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. If you do not agree with these Terms, we kindly ask that you refrain from using MyPIL. Thank you for joining us, and we hope you enjoy your experience on MyPIL!

Your account:

To create a MyPIL user account, you must be at least 8 years old. If you are creating an account on behalf of someone else, please ensure you have their permission. It is your responsibility to use your account in a lawful manner. By creating an account, you agree to comply with these Terms and confirm that you are (i) over 18 years old and (ii) legally capable of entering into these Terms with us. Please ensure that the information you provide about yourself is accurate. If there are any changes, kindly inform us so that we can update your account details. If you are using MyPIL on behalf of a business or individual, you affirm that you are authorized by them to act and agree to these Terms on their behalf. Remember, you are solely responsible for the security of your account. Keep your login details and password safe and refrain from sharing them with anyone. If you suspect that your account has been compromised, please contact us immediately. You must not assign or transfer your account to someone else, or use your account (or allow it to be used by anyone) in a manner that, in our reasonable opinion, may cause damage to MyPIL or our reputation, or infringe upon the rights of others or applicable laws and regulations. At MyPIL, transparency and trust are highly valued. To safeguard your personal information, we have implemented strict policies for mail and news communication. Your consent is crucial to us, and we will never send emails or news updates without your explicit permission. You have complete control over the type of communication you receive from us. If you decide to delete your account and remove your information, please email us at info@mypil.app. Our dedicated support team will promptly assist you in ensuring the secure deletion of all your personal data.

MyPIL Link:

For the Advanced plan and Enterprise plan, it is important to choose a MyPIL link that is appropriate for all users and does not infringe upon the rights of others. We understand that the MyPIL link holds significance to you, but it must also be suitable for a wide audience and respect the rights of others, including intellectual property rights such as copyright and trademarks.
You are not allowed to use the name of another person (such as a celebrity), brand, or company as your username. Additionally, offensive, vulgar, or obscene usernames are not permitted. Creating an account with a username to which you have no connection solely for future profit (known as "Domain Squatting") is also prohibited.
If any of these issues arise regarding your username, we will assess the circumstances reasonably and may request you change it. Failure to comply may result in the suspension or cancellation of your account. If you have not signed in, added new links, or generated any traffic to your account in the last six months, we may reclaim or reassign your username. However, we will always contact you before taking any such action.

Your content — what is and isn’t allowed:

We appreciate the diverse range of content shared by our users on MyPIL! However, it's important to ensure a safe experience for everyone visiting the platform. To achieve this, we have established our Community Standards, which can be found at the end of this page. Our Community Standards outline the guidelines for permissible content on MyPIL. Please make sure to adhere to these standards, as failure to do so may result in the suspension or permanent removal of your account. When we refer to "your content," we mean the text, graphics, videos, links, and any other materials that you add to your MyPIL profile. You are solely responsible for your content, and by posting it on MyPIL, you warrant that:

  • The content belongs to you, or if it's third-party content, you have obtained all necessary rights to post it on MyPIL and allow us to use it in accordance with these Terms.
  • Your content will not violate the privacy, publicity, intellectual property rights, or any other rights of any individual or entity.
  • Your content will not be misleading, deceptive, or likely to misinform a reasonable person. It will also not lead to any violations of laws or legal obligations, or bring disrepute to us or damage our reputation.
  • Your content is free from viruses or any harmful code, files, or programs designed to disrupt or damage the functionality of the Platform or any other software, hardware, or device.
  • You will not use, or authorize others to use, automated scripts or scraping tools to collect information from your profile or the Platform.
  • You will refrain from posting unauthorized advertising, solicitations, or endorsements on MyPIL.
  • All of your content complies with the Community Standards outlined at the end of this page.
Considering the variations in laws and regulations across different countries, we may take action to prohibit content that might be legal in some countries. We reserve the right to take necessary measures, including content removal or access restrictions, in order to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Your content — how we handle it:

We greatly appreciate your content and enjoy showcasing it. When you share content on MyPIL, you grant us the right to display, use, and share it. By posting content on your profile, you provide us with a license to (i) use, publicly display, distribute, modify, adapt, and create derivative works of your content, and (ii) use your name, image, voice, photograph, likeness, and any other personal attributes included in the content, on the Platform and in our marketing across various media channels, such as social media and advertisements. This license is worldwide, royalty-free, and perpetual, allowing us to utilize your content anywhere in the world, without payment to you, for as long as we deem necessary. By doing so, you confirm that you possess all necessary rights to the content and can grant us this license. You will retain all your rights to the content you post. However, please be aware that your content will be publicly accessible and may be used and shared by others on MyPIL and throughout the internet. We kindly ask that you refrain from sharing personal information that you do not wish to be visible to the world. Avoid posting details such as social security numbers, passport information, or any sensitive information that could potentially cause harm if it falls into the wrong hands. Only share personal information about others if you have obtained their consent and have kept a record of it. While we are not obligated to monitor the accuracy, reliability, or legality of your content, we reserve the right to do so. We may modify, remove, or restrict access to content at any time in accordance with these Terms. Additionally, we may apply a sensitive content warning to content that we deem unsuitable for all audiences.

Our Platform:

The Platform is owned by us, but we grant you a limited right to use it for sharing content and engaging with other users' content. Please note that we are not responsible for any content, products, or services offered through other users' profiles. All rights, including intellectual property rights, in and to the Platform (excluding your content), referred to as "MyPIL IP," are and will remain the exclusive property of MyPIL or our licensors. You do not acquire any rights in the MyPIL IP, and you are prohibited from using it, including our brand name or logo, for any purpose without our prior written approval, such as implying a partnership with or endorsement from MyPIL. As a user, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Platform in accordance with these Terms. This includes creating, displaying, using, playing, and uploading content. If we provide you with any images, icons, themes, fonts, videos, graphics, or other content, you may only use them on your profile and must comply with any guidelines we provide. You are not allowed to remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary notices or trademarks on the Platform. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, distribution, licensing, selling, reselling, modification, translation, disassembly, decompilation, decryption, reverse engineering, creation of derivative works, or attempts to derive the source code of the Platform or any part of it are strictly prohibited. If you visit MyPIL profiles as a "profile visitor," we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to view and interact with the Platform via user profiles. Please note that to the extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any opinions, advice, statements, products, services, offers, or other content posted by other users on their profiles.

Your plan:

You have the option to sign up for MyPIL on either a free or paid plan, and you can cancel it whenever you want.

Once you accept these Terms, your plan will begin and continue until you decide to cancel it. If you cancel a paid plan, it will typically remain active until the end of your current billing cycle and then automatically switch to a free plan.

To cancel your plan, simply visit the billing page on our website (mypil.app). Please note that payments are generally non-refundable, as permitted by applicable law. However, we understand that circumstances can change, so if you have selected a paid plan and cancel within 72 hours, we may make an exception (please email us at info@mypil.app).

If you downloaded our app and purchased your plan using your Apple ID or Google Play Store account, you will need to follow the cancellation instructions provided by:

Apple Support
Google Support

Please be aware that MyPIL is unable to process refunds in these situations. You can request a refund directly from Apple via the Apple Support webpage or follow the provided instructions for Google.

If you have canceled your plan and wish to permanently delete your account, you can do so on the "My Account" page. Remember, once your account is deleted, it cannot be reactivated, and you will lose all the content and information you have added to your profile.

Our fees:

You are responsible for paying all subscription fees promptly when they are due. Any MyPIL transaction fees and processing fees will be automatically deducted from the proceeds of your profile's transactions. Subscription fees - If you have selected a paid plan, you must pay your subscription fees on time. Unless stated otherwise, the fees are in USD and include transactional taxes such as GST/VAT. All subscription fees will be billed in advance on a recurring basis, according to your chosen billing cycle (monthly or annually). Your paid plan will automatically renew under these updated Terms at the end of each billing cycle unless you have canceled your plan. When you join, you must provide accurate billing information and a valid payment method, such as a credit card. By doing so, you authorize us to charge all fees to that payment method. In case automatic billing fails, we will issue you an online invoice, which must be paid within the specified time frame. MyPIL transaction fees - Depending on your plan, we may charge a percentage of each transaction conducted on your profile, such as through our "Commerce" or "Support Me" features. The specific transaction fees applicable to your plan will be outlined in our pricing section. You agree that if transaction fees are charged, they will be deducted from the transaction proceeds before you receive them. You are responsible for paying any external fees and taxes, including withholding taxes, that may apply, as well as income taxes associated with the payments you receive through the Platform. Processing fees - We utilize third-party payment processing services (such as PayPal, Stripe, and PayMod) to facilitate transactions on MyPIL. These services are subject to their own processing fees, as outlined in their respective terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to review, accept, and comply with these terms. You acknowledge that processing fees will be deducted from the transaction proceeds before you receive them, and MyPIL is not accountable for these fees. We may occasionally modify our subscription or transaction fees. However, we will always provide prior notice, aiming to do so at least 1 month in advance. If you disagree with the revised fees, you can cancel your plan before your next billing cycle begins.

Privacy & data:

We prioritize the privacy of our users and profile visitors. Our Privacy Notice outlines how we handle your personal data for our own purposes. By creating your account, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Privacy Notice if it applies to you. To learn about our use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Notice. Any data (including any intellectual property rights associated with the data) that we or the Platform generate or create based on your use of the Platform or content, as well as the use of profile visitors or other users ("Data"), will be owned by us. As part of our service on the Platform, we may provide you with Data or visualizations of Data (referred to as "Data Analytics"). While we make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or completeness of the Data Analytics, we strive to ensure they are as accurate and comprehensive as possible.

Your visitors & customers:

As the account holder, you bear the responsibility for your profile visitors, which includes customers who make purchases or interact with your MyPIL profile (referred to collectively as "End Users"). You are solely accountable for the manner in which End Users utilize and engage with your profile and its content. Additionally, it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws concerning your End Users and any transactions that take place between you and End Users via your MyPIL profile. Furthermore, you acknowledge that any donations received through our "Support Me" feature are voluntary and not in exchange for any goods or services. This feature should be used exclusively for collecting donations for yourself and should not be utilized to raise funds for charitable organizations or other causes.


We highly value your input and ideas for improving MyPIL! Occasionally, we may provide you with access to "beta" functionality and actively seek your feedback. Please note that if you share feedback with us, we have the freedom to utilize it as we see fit, without any obligation to provide compensation (or, alternatively, choose not to use it at all). There may be instances where certain features or functionalities of the Platform are made available to you in a "beta" or similar testing phase. It's important to recognize that during this period, we are evaluating and testing such functionality, and it may not be as stable or reliable as other parts of the Platform.

Open Source:

MyPIL app incorporates open-source software. Please be aware that specific open-source software components are subject to their own respective license terms. You can access these license terms in our Open-Source Content library, located in the 'Legal' section of the app. In cases where the license terms of an open-source component conflict with the provisions in these Terms, the applicable license terms will govern your rights and obligations for that particular component. These Terms will not apply to the extent that the license terms of the open source component prohibit its licensing under these Terms.


We want to emphasize that we have no liability for your use of the Platform, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have backups of your own content.

  • We are not responsible for any damages incurred as a result of downloading, installing, or using the Platform, or for copying, distributing, or downloading any content from the Platform. It is solely your responsibility to adequately protect and back up your data, content, and devices used in connection with the Platform.
  • You agree to indemnify us against any losses arising from a breach of these Terms by you or any third-party claims made against us relating to your content.
  • Neither party will be held liable for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including loss of business, revenue, profits, use, privacy, data, goodwill, or other economic advantages, whether based on contract, tort (including negligence), or any other legal theory, even if we were aware of the possibility of such damages.
  • Our liability to you under these Terms or in connection with the Platform will not exceed either the fees you paid to us at the time the liability arose or $100, whichever is greater.


We want to make a few disclaimers regarding these Terms. Your use of MyPIL and the content provided on the Platform is solely at your own risk. The Platform is provided on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis, without any warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. This includes but is not limited to, warranties of up-time or availability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or course of performance. MyPIL, its affiliates, and its licensors do not make any express or implied warranties or representations, including but not limited to the following:

  • The Platform will function uninterrupted, securely, or be available at all times.
  • Any errors or defects will be corrected.
  • The Platform is free from viruses or other harmful components.
  • The Platform will be effective or meet your specific needs.
  • Any content on the Platform, including user-generated content, is complete, accurate, reliable, suitable, or available for any particular purpose.
These Terms apply to the maximum extent permitted by law, and nothing in them is intended to exclude, restrict, or modify any legal rights you may have that cannot be excluded, restricted, or modified by contract. If these Terms are governed by the Australian Consumer Law, our liability to you for failing to comply with a consumer guarantee is limited to either the re-supply of the services or payment.

Third Party Services:

The Platform may provide access to specific functionality or services offered by third parties (such as a payment portal or online store front). MyPIL integrates with various third-party products and services. Unless stated otherwise, we do not endorse, warrant, or make representations regarding any third-party product or service. We are unable to offer refunds for any amounts you have paid to a third party. Your use of any third-party product or service may be subject to separate terms and conditions, which you are responsible for reviewing, accepting, and complying with. Failure to accept or comply with those third-party terms may result in the suspension or cancellation of your account or limitations on your access to such services within our Platform.

App terms:

Using our app requires downloading and installing software on your mobile or tablet device. We may automatically update the software, and these Terms will apply to any updates. The terms in this section pertain to the download and use of our app. We grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide right to download and install the app on one device that you own or control. It is prohibited to distribute or make the app available over a network where it can be accessed by multiple devices simultaneously. If your account is canceled, you must delete the app from your device. If you download the app from the Apple or Google Play stores ("App Stores"), you also agree that:

  • These Terms are between you and MyPIL, not the App Store. However, if any of these Terms conflict with the App Store terms, the applicable App Store term will prevail.
  • We are solely responsible for the app and its content, as well as any maintenance and support services, product warranties (unless disclaimed), and any third-party claims regarding the app's infringement of intellectual property rights. If you have any complaints or become aware of a third-party claim, please email us at info@mypil.app, not the App Store.
  • You are not listed on a US government-restricted parties list, and you do not reside in a country subject to a US government embargo or designated as a "terrorist-supporting country."
  • The App Store and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms and have the right to enforce them against you as such beneficiaries.

Cancelling your account:

Failure to comply with these Terms may result in the suspension or cancellation of your account, or limitations placed on the functionality of the Platform that you can access. For instance, if you fail to pay your fees on time, we may convert your paid plan to a free plan with reduced features. The decision to suspend or cancel your account will depend on the nature of the non-compliance. While we may not exercise this right for every instance of non-compliance, repeated or significant violations are likely to result in account suspension or cancellation. If we do suspend or cancel your account, we will generally provide prior notification, although it is not mandatory, and any upfront fees paid will not be refunded. If you believe your account has been mistakenly canceled or if you have any issues with these Terms or the Platform, please contact us at info@mypil.app. Both parties will make reasonable efforts to resolve the matter in good faith. Neither of us will initiate legal action regarding the issue until at least one month has been spent attempting to resolve it.


At MyPIL, we are constantly working to enhance and improve our platform. As part of this ongoing process, we may make changes to the Platform or these Terms. If any changes we make are likely to have a significant negative impact on you, we will provide prior notification. There may be occasions when we need to modify these Terms to align with business updates, changes to the Platform (including discontinuation of certain functionality or features), legal or commercial requirements, or to safeguard our legitimate interests. We reserve the right to implement these changes at any time, and it is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms for any updates. However, if a change is expected to have a substantial adverse effect on you, we will make our best efforts to notify you at least 1 month in advance (for example, through a notification on the Platform). By continuing to use the Platform after any changes to the Terms have been made, you indicate your acceptance of the revised Terms. If you do not agree with the changes, we kindly request that you cease using MyPIL and cancel your account.

A few additional points:

Before you can start using MyPIL, there are a few more important aspects we need to address. Depending on your specific location, certain laws may apply to either you or us. In the event that these laws are inconsistent with any part of these Terms, the relevant laws will take precedence to the extent of the inconsistency. These Terms, along with the Privacy Notice and any other policies we may link to, constitute the complete agreement between you and us regarding the Platform. No additional terms shall be included unless required by law. All implied terms, except those implied by statute and cannot be excluded, are expressly excluded. If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid under the laws of any country, it will be severed from these Terms in that particular country, while the remaining provisions will continue to apply. These Terms are governed by the laws of Victoria and the Commonwealth of Australia. Both you and we agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in those jurisdictions. Our failure to insist upon or enforce any provision of these Terms will not be considered a waiver of any provision or right. It's important to note that these Terms and the Platform do not create an agency relationship between you and us.

Community Standards:

To ensure that MyPIL remains a trusted platform for all users, we have established guidelines that complement our Terms and Conditions. These guidelines outline what is acceptable and what is not when using MyPIL, with the aim of maintaining a safe environment for both you and your audience. We kindly ask you to take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our Community Standards. By using MyPIL, you agree to comply with these standards, just as you do with our Terms and Conditions. If you encounter any content on MyPIL that violates the standards outlined below, please report it to us.

Adult content:

At MyPIL, we support creators from various backgrounds to establish their online presence. However, we also prioritize the safety and well-being of our visitors, including minors. If you choose to link out to adult content on your MyPIL, please ensure the following:

  • Verify the legality of the content you are linking to in your specific region.
  • Keep the media on your MyPIL, such as your avatar, appropriate for all ages.
  • Use the sensitive content label appropriately, particularly when embedding content feeds that may contain adult material.
By adhering to these guidelines, you can help create a responsible and informed environment for all users of MyPIL.

Hate speech:

At MyPIL, we value open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, as long as it is done respectfully and without causing harm. We do not tolerate hate speech, which includes any content that promotes or incites hatred, violence, or discrimination based on the following factors:

  • Race or ethnicity
  • Skin color
  • National origin
  • Religious beliefs
  • Sex or gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Veteran status
  • Disability or medical condition
Furthermore, MyPIL is not a platform to glorify individuals or groups who perpetrate hatred, violence, or discrimination. We strive to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all users.

Electoral fraud:

We strictly prohibit the use of MyPIL for any activities that obstruct or undermine the local or national electoral process. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Misleading the public: You must not disseminate false information regarding the locations, methods, or eligibility criteria for participating in elections.
  • Vote selling: It is strictly prohibited to sell or attempt to sell your right to vote on MyPIL.
We are committed to upholding the integrity of democratic processes and ensuring that MyPIL is not exploited for electoral fraud.


MyPIL usernames are meant to be accessible to all users. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to engage in activities such as buying, selling, hoarding, or trading usernames. You should not secure a username unless you have genuine intentions to use it. Additionally, it is not permissible to engage in "domain squatting," which involves preventing others from using a username or attempting to profit from reselling it. Please note that these practices are illegal in certain countries, and MyPIL strictly prohibits such activities.

Illegal goods and services:

Using MyPIL to advertise or engage in the sale of regulated or illegal goods or services is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Alcohol (Note: You may advertise the sale of alcohol with a valid liquor license, but direct sales of alcohol through MyPIL commerce links are not permitted.)
  • Drugs
  • Weapons
  • Weapon schematics
  • Body parts (including body fluids and blood)
  • Offers for adoption or surrogacy
  • Counterfeit items
  • Embargoed goods
  • Endangered or protected species, or parts thereof
  • Fireworks and explosives
  • Hazardous or toxic materials
  • ID documents
  • Personal information or mailing lists
  • Regulated plants, insects, or animals
  • Recalled items
  • Stolen items
  • Tobacco products, including e-cigarettes
  • Products offered through multi-level marketing schemes
  • Gambling
  • Human trafficking or prostitution
Furthermore, MyPIL should not be used to promote or facilitate any form of illegal activity. Content targeting minors must not promote inappropriate materials or engage in exploitation or exert undue pressure on the targeted individuals.

Spam and fraud:

Using MyPIL to engage in spamming or scamming activities is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:

  • Do not spam visitors on MyPIL or use deceptive tactics to obtain personal information.
  • Do not link to external websites that collect personal information under false pretenses.
We prioritize the safety and privacy of our users, and any attempts to engage in spamming or fraudulent activities will not be tolerated.


Respectful and inclusive communication is important to us. We strictly prohibit the use of MyPIL to target individuals with the intention to intimidate, harass, threaten, or bully. We expect all users to engage in constructive and positive interactions on our platform.

Extremist/terrorist content:

We have a zero-tolerance policy for any use of MyPIL to advertise, propagate, praise, or collect funds for extremist groups or their activities. Such content is strictly prohibited on our platform. We are committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all users, and we take active measures to prevent the dissemination of extremist or terrorist-related content.

Child harm:

At MyPIL, we prioritize the safety of children. We strictly prohibit any content that harms or promotes harm to minors, including child sexual abuse material, solicitation of minors, and inappropriate imagery involving underage individuals. Our zero-tolerance policy ensures a secure environment for all users. If we encounter any instances of child harm on MyPIL, we promptly report them to the relevant authorities, such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. We are committed to proactively protecting children and maintaining a safe platform for everyone.


At MyPIL, we strive to create a safe space for users to engage in healthy discussions about recovery. We also prioritize the well-being of visitors, which is why we strictly prohibit content that promotes or glorifies suicide, self-mutilation, disordered eating, or harmful alternatives to medical treatment. Our aim is to foster a supportive environment for all users.

Shocking or violent content:

Please refrain from using MyPIL to share content that is intended to shock or disturb visitors. This includes but is not limited to content featuring gore, mutilation, excessive violence, or physical abuse. Our goal is to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users.

Copyright and trademark:

Respect for intellectual property rights is important to us. Please refrain from uploading any content on MyPIL that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright, trademarks, and patents. If you believe that your intellectual property rights are being violated due to content on MyPIL, kindly contact us so that we can address the issue.

Privacy and impersonation:

At MyPIL, we prioritize the privacy and protection of our users. We have strict guidelines in place to safeguard personal information. Therefore, we do not permit MyPIL profiles that disclose others' personal identifying information, collect identifying information without proper legal basis (including IP addresses), or share private media that involves image-based sexual abuse. Additionally, we prohibit the creation of MyPIL profiles that impersonate individuals or organizations. Maintaining authenticity and respect for others' identities is crucial within our community.


Avoid posting misinformation on MyPIL. This includes sharing content that you know or suspect to be false, inaccurate, or intended to misinform others.

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